Monday, June 18, 2012

A fun excerpt from Fugitive Star! 


The rays of the rising sun awakened Aylin as they spilled through the window, and it was a good thing that they did. One glance at the desk clock told her that her own inner clock was not operating on Pato’s schedule. She groaned softly and sat up, realizing for the first time that she was wearing clothes that were now far too wrinkled to be presentable. She sighed and told herself that there would most likely be a uniform for her to wear, if she could find it somewhere.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Here is the prologue from Fugitive Star!


ESY 1362

A captive Fighter endangers the captor.

The simple adage was so well known, its popularity had awarded it the status of proverb among most of the systems of the Alak sector. Despite the inefficacy of dead tongues in propagating rumors.

But some did not listen, or did not care. Some brazenly dared to test the Fighters again and again, pitting their fleeting strength against centuries, even millennia, of battle-hardened expertise.


Friday, March 30, 2012

Here's the cover we created for the "Prerelease Edition"! In the next month or so, I'll make the last few modifications to Book 1, then we'll print a few copies from Lulu to give to some friends for editing, then at last we'll start querying agents.

Friday, March 23, 2012

About the book:
Fugitive Star is a young adult science fiction novel, in which a young starship pilot must escape her father's murderers by concealing her identity - and her exceptional training - while hiding as a fugitive among the students of a military training school known simply as the Center.

About the author:
I'm a 23-year-old graduate student living in Tucson, Arizona with my husband Nathan and 100+ degree heat. I began writing Fugitive Star ten years ago, back when I was living in Gambia, West Africa with my missionary family and 110+ degree heat. I love cats, writing, starry night skies, monsoon thunderstorms, and (needless to say) warm weather.